This features listing is only to give a basic idea, checking out the screenshots may help to give an example of how things actually look and thus what oversights are created.
- Written in PHP (supporting v4.3.0 and up), and uses a MySQL database.
- Creation of accounts under which characters can be configured along the specifications of the in-game character.
- All races and classes are accounted for. Alliance cannot sign up to Horde events and vice versa.
- All common high-level dungeons supported, from Stratholme and Scholomance to Naxxramas, aswell as a number of outdoor raid bosses and all battlegrounds.
- Keys owned and access quests (attunements) achieved for certain dungeons can also be noted in the character info, and is suggested.
- Signing up for dungeons that require access quests/attunements to be done blocks signup for character's who's info shows they haven't done the quest/attunement.
- Creation of events on the planner, either a Dungeon, Outdoor Raid Boss or Battlground event can be arranged.
- When organising an event a few options can be set (i.e. time and date, level range), and a note can be set by the organiser that is viewable by all.
- An already created event can be edited to change the date and time or note by the event's organiser, or the event can be removed entirely.
- People can sign up their characters to events, and additionally leave notes that can only be seen by themselves and the event's organiser.
- Events use a signup pool. The organiser of the raid/group can pick from the signup list who goes onto the final list.
- When a row of character data is shown, it is always coloured to indicate the class, for easy spotting. The colours are based off the default in-game raid class colours.